The resolution of a telescope, as we will learn, is the minimal angular size of features it can resolve. If we have a telescope with a resolution of 2'' (2 arc-seconds) what is the size, in kilometers (km), of the smallest crater we can make out on the moon, at a distance of 384,400 km? (The Moon's diameter is 3480 km, for comparison.) Round your answer to two significant figures.
a = 2"
R = 384400km
2/(360*3600)*(2pi*384400) #I multiply 360 with 3600 for coversion to arcsec
= 3.7272km
there is another way:
a = 2"
R = 384400km
2/(360*3600)*(2pi*384400) #I multiply 360 with 3600 for coversion to arcsec
= 3.7272km
there is another way: