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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Baryon number conservation

This law says that if there is a gazillion baryons("heavy particles") in this universe then there will always be a gazillion baryons in the universe, not one more not one less, well first of all since nothing can be made out of nothing, then we think that how were baryons made, their must have been something which was used to make them? this is a difficult question unanswered till now so scientists abandoned the question, the answer was they are just there. Now we can make protons, bu smashing two protons together but this collision creates another particle called an anti-proton which makes  it difficult to survive so since 1+1=2, then a collision and 1+1+1-1=2. but what if like hawking radiation the anti-proton gets eaten up by a black hole after the collision and the three protons happily run out of the event horizon safely, then we would have a gazillion plus one baryon and the law would be defied?

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