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Sunday, 2 March 2014

History repeats itself, my speech

Think about it, “Does history repeat itself?”                                   
History most certainly does repeat itself, or you can say, “It rhymes with the future. “. It's all based on power & money.  
You will notice when you Look at History. Germany was depressed financially during the 1930's. It took but one man (Hitler) to have millions of people look the other way while millions were murdered. Same for the killing of many scientists, they all were killed for opposing the laws of the church, people were in a way enraged against them in the blame that they were opposing religion, religion was used in history again and again by the people who used it for their own vested interests.
People will never learn, they will always be hostage to their extremist ideas they will always oppose science and technology in the name of religion.
I always ponder and feel so sad when I read the history. Pythagoras, a great mathematician of Greece, who gave us the well known Pythagorean Theorem. His ideas were rejected by extremists in Greece who later manipulated people, which led to his killing by an angry mob, a great mind wasted. But this didn’t stop and over the years history kept repeating itself. Centuries later Boltzmann suffered the same fate as his theories and ideas were ridiculed and mocked so much that he went into extreme depression which later forced him to take his own life.
It was after his death did people realize that his theories were correct, yet another waste of a brilliant mind.
History keeps repeating itself since it is human nature. Humans will forever make mistakes, out of jealousy, out of intolerance and lack of knowledge.  We just can't help ourselves.
Greed will always poison man’s soul, as it did it in the past, we will always be locked up in the abyss of hate. We have acquired technology and knowledge over the years but it did it not change us, instead it made us more cynical and unkind.
 Wars will always happen because not everyone is the same, and people have their own opinions on things. I find it funny that people think history doesn't repeat. Why is it that no matter how many times we're told not to do something, and we do it anyways? Because it's human nature.
I do not have the power to single-handedly change history. But I will be a public voice saying “No!” when I see these sorts of things transpiring, when I see signs of history repeating itself. And thanks to today's technology, each voice can be heard not only in its own location, but around the world.
Do not be among those who stand quietly by. Let your voice be heard.

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